Pinnacle Financial

Office lobby spectacular video wall with dynamic data fed widgets.
Centene Center

The Centene Community center is a sports and music venue complex in St Louis Missouri. Zignage was invited to solve a complex very high resolution spectacular LED used for sporting events as well as music performances. Zignage provided a solution that mixes dynamic data, smart list campaigning and a number of different streaming method ingestion […]
92nd St. Y

The Y is a venerable and dynamic cultural and community center located on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City, at the corner of East 92nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Founded in 1874. Zignage was invited to quickly replace a deprecated signage solution. Project included driving two large high resolution LED video […]

Civiq SmartScapes is a Hardware kiosk manufacturer that invited Zignage to build it a custom CMS and interactive smart city kiosk application deployed in Dallas TX, St. Antonio TX and Miami Florida.
Airport Light Rail System

Wayfinding and transit information at a multi station light rail system. The project included complex integration with SCADA and other realtime sources, together with streaming video, driving over 200 endpoints at a major airport in the United States.
Bank of Montreal

Multisite deployment, video walls and trading floor displays. Mixed narrowcasting, streaming, and real time data visualization with over 200 displays.
Mizuho Bank

Evergreen procedural animation. Customized data visualization with real time data and media ingestion via multicast feeds from low latency APIs Calendar based integration with preset date trigger rather than pre-planned schedules Fully automated experience with ability to simply override content with announcements etc. Inherent variation in animations keeps content fresh vs. programmed video Holiday themed animations […]
Higher Education

Deployed at New York University since 2012 at Tandon School of Engineering and NYU Law School, integrating self managed way-finding and inexpensive POE based players. Also developed a 270 degree projection immersive experience and other projects in affiliation with Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Texas Houston, and Kean University.
Dynamic & Automated Retail

Created fully automated and manual CMS control, with auto take-over of merchandising ads between games for the Legends MLB Store. This consists of complex API integration including real-time baseball games and custom data visual overlays.
NYU Tandon

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